Intelligence vs Common Sense

Intelligence vs Common Sense

Sometimes I think Buddy is incredibly smart, other times I think he is one of the silliest dogs I have ever met. Holly has always been the kind of dog to understand what I want from her and just seems to know what to do in pretty much all situations (except when there is a lawn mower involved). She is an independent doggo and uses her common sense, she's been like that since a pup. Buddy on the other hand has flashes of brilliance, but then he does dopey stuff that makes me wonder if border collies really are as smart as people say. Like the other day, there was a bug on the outside of the window and he was licking the glass from the inside trying to get to it. The whole time Holly just stood there watching him like she thought he was an idiot. Maybe it's just because he's a puppy still...

The Sandpit

The Sandpit

The Magic Blanket

The Magic Blanket